If you are reading this than I assume you have felt the pull to become better at your craft. Maybe you really like what you do and are on the edge of mastery. You feel confident in your abilities, yet you find yourself becoming defensive when you feel like someone is criticizing your work. You feel more anxiety than you should. I found myself getting nervous about big gigs, feeling worried that I would screw up someones name on the microphone in front of hundreds of people. What if the crowd didn't really dance a lot and people blamed my music? Even though I had faced similar scenarios many times and came out ahead. Rocking party after party and seemingly connecting with my audiences. So why all the worry about the "Big" wedding next Saturday?? Maybe you aren't a DJ, but we all know the feeling of anxiety about the future and it's uncertainty.
Those negative feelings are often very frustrating. Especially when they take up too much space in your head. Don't get me wrong it's great to be prepared, but giving too much attention to what might go wrong in the future is super taxing and draws attention away from your focus on the present moment.
As you may have guessed the steps to mastery I will be discussing are different than more conventional steps to mastery. In my field, DJing, techniques many people focus on(of which you can find many books, videos, podcasts and more) are tips & tricks pertaining to: better client relations, Music selection, Mixing, Microphone skills, etc. Obviously these skills must be sharpened for mastery in this field, but there are other, often overlooked steps I have found vital to my "Mastery."
I do not claim to be an authority or actual "Master DJ." I am using the term mastery in the sense that mastery of any skill or topic is really a constant voyage. Meaning you are never in the same place on any given day. It all has to do with the amount of effort and attention that you focus on it at any given time.
What I Plan on sharing with you wonderful people is the method or methods that have used and still use today to strengthen my grip on mastery. This post is sort of a teaser so I don't want to give too much away, BUT I will be talking about how I approach anxiety, fear, concentration, focus etc.
So stay tuned and you can reach me at Brandon@comedylol.com
“The one who has conquered himself is a far greater hero than he who has defeated a thousand times a thousand men.”
Gautama Buddha